Tama Microcurrent

Deep cleansing relaxing treatment that is excellent for correction or prevention of skin laxity and wrinkles. Microcurrent delivers small electrical charges to open cell communication and stimulate facial muscles, tightening and toning them. 60 – 90 minutes


Facial Infusion

The Osmosis Facial Infusion is a non-acid dermal infusion “peel” that is massaged into the skin to nourish the dermal layer and will encourage cellular renewal. 60 minutes



Custom Facial

Each facial is customized to your needs. Whether you are needing extra hydration, lifting and firming, reduced inflammation or an acne treatment, this facial is a perfect option for everyone. Choose a 45, 60 or 75 minute time frame. Each facial will provide a double cleanse, exfoliating enzyme mask, and treatment mask. I will add in serums and use tools and techniques appropriate for your skin. You will leave feeling relaxed and looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

I will also recommend homecare that will help you to continue to achieve the results you desire.


Revita Pen

RevitaPen is a non-invasive device that enhances results with technology that creates pathways to deliver active ingredients deeper into the skin. 60 minutes


Additional Services

  • PEFM or Facial reflexology is ideal for everyone!

    Pure Energy Facial Meditation works by:

    - Aligning the autonomic nervous system

    - Relaxes your brainwaves

    - Changes your internal chemistry

    The Autonomic Nervous System is part of your nervous system that takes care of all of your bodily functions without you thinking about it.

    - Energy

    - Breathing

    - Digestion

    - Hormones

    - Immune System

    Just to name a few. When the body is in balance these things work very well. When they are out of balance, your ANS does not function as well leading to disease, emotional issues and your body is in a state of constant stress.

    With the Pure Energy Facial Meditation, I use a stainless steel tool called a Detector and perform a 30 minute balancing protocol over the face.

    The steel tool transmits electrical signals through the nervous system to relay messages easily and quickly. During the treatment I am using the Detector to

    “ detect” areas of tension, stress and inflammation in the body and bring flow and energy to those areas. Lumps, bumps and stuckness that mean the area of the body needs more attention.

    It means energy flow in that area is out of balance. Each area of the face reflect and are connected to every part of the body. This protocol can help improve many health issues by helping your body to work better. During the session, it is ideal for you to get into a deeply relaxed “meditative” state. This is helping your body to heal and restore.

    As an added benefit, it is a beauty treatment. By creating energy flow, lymphatic drainage and releasing tension, your face will appear more refreshed. Eye lids will be more open, the entire face more lifted, reduction in fine lines and wrinkles and redness reduced. Over time pigmentation may lighten, even the neck may appear more firm (if there is laxity) and I don’t even use the detector directly on the neck.

    An ideal protocol would be to come 2 times per week for a 30min session for 5 to 10 sessions. Then as often as you can. Whether that is weekly or monthly, whatever you can do.

    II can’t wait for you to try this wonderful facial treatment.

  • Facial Contour Massage is a combination of superficial and deep tissue massage to help release fascial adhesions. Fascia is a thin film that connects our skin to our muscles and covers every part of our body. Healthy skin requires playable fascia. Fascia enables the circulatory system to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin. This delivery system also carries the building blocks to make collagen and elastin which help skin appear more youthful. When fascia is restricted you will see it reflected in the skin as deep wrinkles, dullness and laxity. This massage technique helps the fascia to become more supple and hydrated resulting in a brighter more lifted appearance in the skin and also allowing other treatments such as microcurrent to be more effective.

  • .Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese massage method of using tools often made of jade or rose quarts. This technique is a gentle way to promote lymph and blood flow in the skin. By allowing more flow in the skin, circulation increases and toxins are carried away. It is wonderful holistic facial for facial contouring, skin lifting and brightening.


See booking page for further details and pricing.


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